This month, we are thrilled to feature Jacqueline Bond & Ayana Christie of Bond & Grace.

We learn about the discovered opportunity, and the many layers of research that went into making the first of its kind publishing and art house and are excited to share our conversation with you. 

In addition, Jacqueline and Ayana, shared a few of their favorite gifts & gifting habits with us. 














From the sound of it, you both adore gift giving! What is your go-to host/hostess gift for a fellow book club member when hosting your group? (Both) 

AC: I love a good notebook. A monogrammed leather bound for book club notes and reflections

JB: I love the romantic notion behind the physical act of reading, so I love to give the hosts of the book club I attend gifts that embody that, whether it be a monogrammed blanket to cozy up in a reading nook, my favorite tea from a company in London meant to be drank in a beautiful steaming cup, or a candle with a scent to match the mood of the season. 

What would be a great gift for a fellow book or art lover? Can be a dream-big gift fit for a milestone occasion, or something smaller or more personal. No limits! (JB Book, AC Art) 

AC: Well now that I’m in the business of books and art, I would absolutely recommend our art novels or a custom framed print with a sentimental message that fits the person. We’ve met people who resonate with pieces of art because it reminds them of another time in their life or they share a life experience or identity with the artist. The gifts that make us feel are what its all about. 

JB: Special Edition books are the perfect gifts for literary lovers. You know they would love to display a beautiful book or title to reflect their love for literature, you know they would appreciate the craftsmanship behind a book with intentional design, and last but certainly not least, every book lover can never have too many books. It’s our addiction. 

You mentioned a few favorite gifts to ensure you never show up empty handed. Do either of you have a 'gift closet', or any go-to thank you or small gesture gifts that you stock up? (Both) 

AC: I don’t have a gift closet because I move around alot but I have a few florists on speed dial in Brooklyn and the DMV as my go-to last minute gift. I also keep a few Bond & Grace candles and notecards handy for in the moment gifts for customers and collaborators.

JB: I do have a gift closet. Right now it’s a gift closet filled with kids toys and kids books as my daughter is turning two, and I feel like there’s a birthday party every other week for her friends. As a busy working mom, I need to grab and go items to throw in a gift bag when I’m told at the last minute there’s yet again another birthday. Otherwise, I really enjoy the art of thoughtful gifting. I think it’s so fun to pick out a unique gift for someone based on their likes and interests. I always try to order from other, small women-owned brands because or work with Poppy for someone special. 

Do you have a favorite arts or literature-themed gift for the littles on your lists? (JB) 

JB: I truly love giving books to little kids, because reading never goes out of style. Actually, an idea I got from Ayana is to personalize storybooks where the kid’s name is displayed throughout the book. Or for older kids, get a special edition book with their name engraved on the spine and write a note or memory inside the book for them to reflect on later. 

A special gift to welcome spring? (AC) 

AC: Scarves for my lady friends–I think they are such a great way to ease into the warm weather and maybe add some color to a transitioning wardrobe. I also might send an experience for a couple. Whether it be tickets to a local show or a giftcard to a restaurant, we all want reasons to go outside in the Spring.

You've been colleagues for some time, and now as fellow business partners - likely forging a bond on a whole new level! How do you celebrate each other as team members and business partners? (Both) 

AC: We’re hard workers so thanks for the reminder to celebrate! We love a good meal together. When we worked together in our corporate job, we’d spend all our money on fancy multicourse michelin star meals, and we still prefer to spend time in this way. For me, it’s a nice invitation to intentionally not talk about the company and reconnect as best friends. 

JB: Totally agree with Ayana. My favorite way to celebrate with each other is time together over a good meal. It was over a meal that we originally discussed starting a business together one day. We didn’t know what it was at the time or how we would do it, but we knew we would. In the end, I believe the best gift you can give someone is time.

Be sure to check out Bond & Grace and explore their expertly curated literary, artwork and bespoke gifts.


Xx, Peggy & Willa 
