Gift Catalog for Order 1685

You are looking for the right present to gift for Jeff this holiday season. He loves the finer things, the outdoors and games of all sorts. 

Jeff is a 'dead-head' and what better way to celebrate his love for their music than these one of a kind tickets. These passes would be great framed too. We wanted to note these seperately as they are 'one of a kind' pieces. The Poppy Team would be happy to help with the ordering (and framing for an additional cost) of these heirlooms. 

Ticket #1 :

Ticket #2 :

The following gift suggestions have been carefully curated with him in mind. Please note that all prices are reflective of tax and shipping.

We hope these recommendations inspire you.

Happy browsing!

Click on the cards below to read more about each item and see additional photos.


